Exporting Your idComm Address Book
If you’ve been using SQWebmail (i.e. the older blue, gray, and white one) and you use its address book, we do not know of a way to export that data from the SQWebMail interface. However if you have many contacts in your address book, contact us at info@sos4net.com, and we may be able to obtain that data for you.
If you’ve been using SquirrelMail and you use its address book, please use the following steps to export your address book.
- Go to and login with your full idcomm email address and password.
- At the top click the Addresses link.
- On the following screen, scroll to the bottom to the Address book export section.
- Leave the four options at their defaults, and click the Export to CSV File button.
- What you do next may depend on which web browser you’re using and how it’s configured. Often browsers are set to download without asking you where to save. If this is the case for you, the file most likely was sent to your Downloads folder.
- If you’re using Internet Explorer and immediately get a File Download box, click Save and you should be prompted for a location. However you may get a yellow-highlighted bar either at the top or the bottom of the web page, depending on which version of IE you’re using. If the bar is at the bottom, click the little down arrow on the right end of the Save button, click Save As, then select where you want to save the file, and click Save. If the bar is at the top, click the bar itself for options, and select the Download option, and the page should refresh. You’ll then need to click the Export to CSV File button again, and finally the Save button on the File Download screen.
- If you’re using Firefox, Chrome or some other browser and and are immediately prompted for a save location, just navigate to where you’d like to save the file and click the Save button.
Now you’re ready to import your address book contacts into your new SmarterMail webmail contact list.
PLEASE NOTE that if you are exporting before the move, you must wait until the move is complete before you will be able to do the import.
Importing Your Address Book Into SmarterMail’s Contact List
- Go to http://webmail.idcomm.com/ and login with your full email address and password.
- Click Contacts at the far left (the little person icon).
- Toward the top left click Actions, go to Import/Export, and click Import.
- Click the Browse button, navigate to where you saved the exported idComm address book file, click the file to select it, and click then click Open.
- Now click the Next button at the top of the screen, and SmarterMail should perform the import.
Unless your contact list is extremely large, it should only take a few seconds to complete. When it’s done you should be looking at your list of imported contacts.